Hospice Waiheke Homecare seeks to exemplify the World Health Organisation’s definition of hospice/palliative care which states “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness…”
Specially trained volunteers offer individuals and families support and respite on a regular basis as needed.
Grief counselling and support including bereavement follow-up.
Provision of relaxation, massage, reflexology and life-story recording.
Provision of equipment into patient homes free of charge.
Regular funding to the Waiheke Health Trust to enable the district nurses to provide in-home palliative care.
Funding to the Waiheke Health Trust to enable those under the age of 65 to receive home support.
If respite and/or specialist inpatient care is required, patients can go to the Mercy Hospice, College Hill, Ponsonby in Auckland, following a GP or DN referral.